La dernière danse de Brigitte – Zero en conducta (ES)
Onsdag 14 september – Göteborg Stadsteater


Göteborg Stadsteater
165 kr
ons 14 september


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Welcome to Brigitte's last dance.



Brigitte is so old that her memories are in black and white, she is so old that if you ask her age she will tell you ”many and a few more”. Now you know that the time has come, the exact moment when your last second will become eternal and it no longer makes sense to accumulate more time. Before leaving, she will pack her luggage by filling her box with those memories that will keep her alive for the last time. Welcome to Brigitte’s last dance.

The Company
Zero en Conducta, Teatre del moviment is a project based in Barcelona and created in 2011 by José A. Puchades (Putxa) with the intention of exploring the expressive potential of different performing arts related to movement. Atter the premiere in 2012 of Nymio, digital theater that received three acting awards, Julieta Gascón joined Putxa, sharing the direction, dramaturgy, acting and in 2014 they created together Allegro ma non troppo, recognized with five international awards. With this show they define their artstic identity, they create their own language centered on the union of body mime, dance, puppets and physical theater, and they consolidate their projection inside and outside the country. In February 2016 they première La dernière danse de Brigitte at Ateneu Popular de Nou Barris in Barcelona, with this medium-format show they not only won four awards (national and international) but also David Maqueda’s incorporation into the company as assistant director, co-wright and designer and technical director. They premiered Trashhh!!!, a small-format proposal that won the award for best show in that category at FETEN 2018 and the best street show at the Haifa International Puppet Festival. In coproduction with Teatre de l’Abast from Valencia they created ROB, premiered in April 2019 with great success. The mechanics of the soul, Eh man hé is the company’s first big format indoor production and premiered in 2019 at the opening of the 30th Fira de Titelles de Lleida, recognized with three awards, to which was added four months later, the award for best show at the prestigious Ostrava Biennale (Czech Republic). In addition, that day Elena Lalucat, Pino Steiner and Amok Cor, three new interpreters of the company, performed. In 2023, La Phazz, his most ambitious show with six performers and a colossal staging, will tell us about the fears we invent and haunt us. Under the scenes, Zero en Conducta is also dedicated to teaching; and without neglecting the language of movement, puppet animation and with the delicacy that defines them, in 2021 they begin in parallel, their professional career in audiovisual production with Anima, Animam, Animae, their first short film documentary about puppets and souls which has already received numerous mentions and awards.

This performance is a part of GBG Mime Fest 2022. In order to purchase tickets at a reduced price, it is required to buy a festival pass á 100 SEK.

Brigitte är så gammal att alla hennes minnen är svartvita. Hon är “många år och några till”, om du frågar henne själv. Men nu är tiden inne. Det där ögonblicket när din sista sekund ska bli till evighet och det bara känns dumt att samla mera tid. Innan hon ger sig av fyller hon sin låda för sista gången med sådana minnen som håller henne levande. Välkomna till Brigttes sista dans.

Om kompaniet:
Zero en Conducta, Teatre del Moviment är ett teaterkompani från Barcelona som startades 2011. Genom att utorska olika rörelsebaserade scenkonstformer såsom mim, dans, dockspel och fysisk teater skapar de ett helt eget formspråk. Deras föreställningar har vunnit ett flertal priser och spelats världen över .

Denna föreställning är en del av GBG Mime Fest 2022.För att ta del av rabatterade biljetter köper du även ett festivalpass för 100kr.

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