Millefeuilles – Campagnie Areski (FR) -Compagnie Areski
Måndag 29 november – GEST


165 kr
mån 29 november


Kontakta Kulturpunkten vid frågor om biljettbokning eller hemsidan.

Kontakta arrangören vid övriga frågor om evenemanget.

Tender and absurd stories about loneliness and the power of imagination. In a world where every element is pop-up, silhouettes and sets are manipulated in stop motion, reserving many surprises, for both children and adults.

Millefeuilles is a walkabout performance during which the audience discovers and explores the scenery in a dark room which they illuminate with flashlights.

A whole world of papercut is revealed through projected shadows.

This performance/exhibition is punctuated by short stories featuring an unusual character who, to escape solitude, will invent a world for himself…

artistic director : Lukasz Areski

sound designer : Victor Betti

Musique : Carlos d’ Alessio


About the company
Compagnie Areski has been developing a language at the crossroads of the performing arts and visual arts–with an interest in animateds books and cut-out paper.

The company questions the links that can be established between people and things while exploring the illusion of movement. For twenty years they have been offering performances and workshops in France and abroad.


This performance is a part of GBG Mime Fest 2021

In order to purchase tickets with reduced price it is required to buy a festival pass á 100 SEK.


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