RADIX: Josette Bushell-Mingo (OBE)
Måndag 7 november – Teater Trixter


Teater Trixter
mån 7 november


Kontakta Kulturpunkten vid frågor om biljettbokning eller hemsidan.

Kontakta arrangören vid övriga frågor om evenemanget.

RADIX: Theatre and Its Language is a series of lectures, presentations and talks with international renowned artists and scholars.

Death is Everywhere

This presentation is a series of questions, or reminders, or affirmations within the field of performance. From a personal journey–it takes the perspective of the Black body and looks at the inclusion or exclusion as a genesis of practice. This moment looks at aligning history–know thyself, courage and that death is everywhere–Memento Mori.

Josette Bushell-Mingo OBE is the Principal and CEO of The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. Previously the Head of Acting at Stockholm University of the Arts, Sweden,  Josette is an award-winning actor and director who has been nominated for an Olivier Award, is the recipient of a TMA Award, and starred in the internationally acclaimed production Nina: A Story about Me and Nina Simone.

This public forum is intended as a meeting-point where citizens, artists and scholars can re-examine the practice of theatre as radical–rooted in the abundance of human expression.

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