RADIX: Dr. Kiki Selioni
Måndag 14 november – Teater Trixter


Teater Trixter
mån 14 november


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RADIX: Theatre and Its Language is a series of lectures, presentations and talks with international renowned artists and scholars.

Τhe Role of Art in Politics: How to Survive in a World of Conflicts

For many years our survival depended upon economic factors and although the notion of enjoying a good life was inextricably linked to our economic situation–our spiritual development remained tied to information and mental balance as well as the above combination. Art, however, seemed to falter between the idea of image and reality and was never linked to politics to the extent that it could influence our daily lives. The question that arises is how art can play a decisive role and how it can shape the new citizen that must emerge to face the new reality where contradictions and conflicts are becoming more and more numerous?

Dr. Kiki Selioni is a movement teacher and acting coach. She obtained an MA in Dance Theatre from Trinity Laban and a PhD from The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. Kiki is the Founder and Artistic Director of The Makings of the Actor. She is the author of the book Laban-Aristotle: Zώον (Zoon) in Theatre Πράξις (Praxis); Towards a methodology for movement training for the actor and in acting.

This public forum is intended as a meeting-point where citizens, artists and scholars can re-examine the practice of theatre as radical–rooted in the abundance of human expression.

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