Fair Play
Lördag 1 april – GEST


240 kr
lör 1 april


Kontakta Kulturpunkten vid frågor om biljettbokning eller hemsidan.

Kontakta arrangören vid övriga frågor om evenemanget.

Gothenburg English Studio Theatre presents
Fair Play
By Ella Road

Who gets to be a champion?  How do you define a good friend? What makes someone a woman?

Ann meets Sophie when she joins a new athletics club. Both women are running at an elite level, and are in with a chance of competing in the world championships. During grueling training sessions, they soon form a bond, and their friendship grows as they support each other in doing the thing they love. Their home lives couldn’t be more different – but that shouldn’t make a difference out on the track. Right?

Fair Play is a bold, dynamic exploration of what happens when outstanding young athletes’ bodies, relationships and realities are up for public debate

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